Monday, December 8, 2014

Field Blog-HB (day 3)

    Today, we weren't going on a field trip so I was excited. I knew I wasn't going to freeze and that it would be has hectic as last time. When I got there, the kids were just getting ready to eat snack. They were all sitting in a circle on the carpet, playing a game with Mrs. Harris. It was called the Memory Game. There was a pan, and in the pan were five objects. The children were given some time to look at the objects and memorize which pieces were there. After looking at them for a while, Mrs. Harris put a cloth over the pan and took out one of the objects. She then took the cloth off of the pan and the children had to guess which object was missing. They had to raise their hands to guess and not scream out the answer. Immediately, almost all of their hands flew up and they were all so anxious to answer. Mrs. Harris chose one of them and he or she would guess but if they didn't get it right, she'd move onto another person. After they guessed, she put the object back and this time took away two. She repeated this same process, but as the game went on, she would take away more and more pieces until eventually all of them were gone. I really liked this activity that they played. It taught them patience and self-control (having to wait to get called on and not yell out the answer), and they were constantly thinking. Even I had a little bit of trouble the first time figuring out which piece was missing. At the end of the game, the children were called, one by one to go wash their hands and take their seat for snack.
   There are three different tables that the children sit at for snack. They put a pretend candle on each of the tables and a placemat at each spot before snack. I chose to sit at a table with two little girls. They were so excited that I chose to sit with them, it was so cute. I really enjoyed talking to them while they were eating. Adelyn was a little shy at first, but quickly warmed up. I asked them a bunch of questions to keep the conversation going and they loved having someone else to talk to while they ate. After snack, we just played in the classroom for a bit and then they had dance class. I sat in on their dance class and watched them gallop all around the room. They all have such wild imaginations and they use them a lot during dance class. After dance, we went back into the classroom and played up until lunch time. When they were going to lunch, I was going to head back to campus. When I was leaving, two of the girls ran up to me and attached themselves on my legs, begging me not to go. This class is so fun and I love to be around them.

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